Highlands Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Highlands Basement Water Removal

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Highlands, New Jersey is a charming and historic town located in Monmouth County, New Jersey, overlooking the beautiful Sandy Hook Bay. Nestled between the rolling hills of the Navesink Highlands and the picturesque coastline, Highlands offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich maritime history, and a vibrant community spirit.

Originally settled by the Lenape Native American tribe, Highlands was later inhabited by European settlers in the early 18th century. The town’s rich maritime heritage is still evident today, with its historic lighthouse, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, standing as a testament to the area’s seafaring past. In addition to the lighthouse, visitors can explore the local maritime museum, which showcases the town’s nautical history and the important role it played in shaping the region.

Highlands is also a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide array of recreational activities. The area surrounding Highlands provides ample opportunities for hiking, fishing, and birdwatching, with its scenic trails and abundant wildlife. The nearby Gateway National Recreation Area, which includes Sandy Hook Beach, is a popular spot for beachgoers, picnickers, and nature lovers.

The town’s downtown area boasts a thriving arts and culture scene, with numerous galleries, shops, and restaurants that showcase the area’s creative spirit. Visitors can enjoy a delicious meal at one of the many waterfront eateries, or explore the town’s vibrant arts community, which hosts regular events and festivals throughout the year.

In recent years, Highlands has undergone a revitalization, attracting new residents and businesses, while still retaining its small-town charm and friendly atmosphere. The town’s strong sense of community is reflected in its many annual events, such as the Clam Festival and Oktoberfest, which bring locals and visitors together to celebrate the town’s heritage and culture.

With its stunning natural landscapes, rich history, and close-knit community, Highlands, New Jersey offers a welcoming and diverse destination for visitors seeking a relaxing getaway or an exploration of local culture. Whether you’re interested in outdoor adventures, maritime history, or simply enjoying the local scenery, Highlands has something to offer for everyone.

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