Harkers Island Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Harkers Island Basement Water Removal

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Harkers Island is a small, picturesque island located in North Carolina’s Carteret County. The island is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty. It is a tight-knit community with a population of around 1,000 residents, many of whom are descendants of the island’s original settlers.

The island is steeped in tradition, and its residents are proud of their unique heritage. One of the most famous aspects of Harkers Island is its traditional boatbuilding industry. The island is home to skilled craftsmen who carry on the tradition of building wooden workboats known as “Harkers Island skiffs.” These boats are still used for commercial fishing and recreational purposes, and they are a source of pride for the island’s inhabitants.

In addition to its boatbuilding heritage, Harkers Island is also known for its rich maritime history. The Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center is a popular attraction on the island, featuring exhibits that showcase the island’s history, culture, and natural environment. The museum also hosts a variety of events and programs that celebrate the island’s unique heritage.

The natural beauty of Harkers Island is also a major draw for visitors. The island is surrounded by the pristine waters of the Core Sound and is within close proximity to the Cape Lookout National Seashore, a protected area that is home to beautiful beaches, wild horses, and unique coastal ecosystems. Outdoor enthusiasts flock to Harkers Island to enjoy activities such as fishing, birdwatching, kayaking, and boating.

Due to its small size and remote location, Harkers Island has managed to maintain a sense of tranquility and authenticity that is increasingly rare in today’s world. The island’s residents are friendly and welcoming, and visitors often feel as though they have stepped back in time to a simpler way of life. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or natural beauty, Harkers Island has something to offer everyone. It is a truly special place that holds a unique charm and allure for all who visit.

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