Estero Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Estero Basement Water Removal

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Estero is a charming and picturesque village located in Lee County, Southwest Florida. With a population of approximately 35,000, Estero is a serene and peaceful place that offers a mix of coastal beauty and small-town charm. The village is conveniently situated between Fort Myers and Naples, making it a desirable location for both residents and visitors.

One of the main attractions in Estero is its stunning natural beauty. The village is home to several beautiful parks and nature preserves, including the Estero Bay Preserve State Park, Koreshan State Park, and Hickey’s Creek Mitigation Park. These natural spaces offer opportunities for hiking, bird-watching, kayaking, and wildlife viewing, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

In addition to its natural beauty, Estero also boasts a range of recreational activities and amenities. The village is home to several top-rated golf courses, making it a popular destination for golf enthusiasts. There are also plenty of opportunities for boating, fishing, and water sports, thanks to the nearby Estero Bay and Gulf of Mexico.

Estero is also known for its vibrant dining and shopping scene. The village is home to a variety of dining options, ranging from casual beachfront eateries to upscale fine dining establishments. Additionally, the Miromar Outlets, one of the largest outlet malls in Southwest Florida, is located in Estero, offering a wide range of shopping opportunities for visitors and residents alike.

For those interested in cultural and historical experiences, Estero offers a variety of options. The Koreshan State Park, a historic site that was once the home of the Koreshan Unity religious community, provides a fascinating glimpse into the village’s past. Additionally, the Happehatchee Center, an eco-spiritual preserve, offers workshops, events, and programs that celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of Estero.

Overall, Estero is a delightful and welcoming village that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and cultural experiences. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or an active outdoor adventure, Estero has something to offer for everyone.

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