Cardington Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Cardington Basement Water Removal

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Cardington is a small village located in Morrow County, Ohio, with a population of approximately 2,000 residents. The village is known for its rich history and vibrant community spirit. It was founded in 1836 and named after the Cardington family, who were early settlers in the area.

One of the most notable landmarks in Cardington is the Cardington-Lincoln High School, which has a strong tradition of academic and athletic excellence. The school’s football team, the Pirates, is a source of pride for the community and has a dedicated fan base. In addition, the school hosts various events and activities that bring the community together.

The village also has a charming downtown area with a variety of small businesses, shops, and restaurants. Residents and visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the downtown area, taking in the historic architecture and friendly atmosphere. The annual Street Fair, held in the downtown area, is a popular event that features live music, games, food vendors, and a parade.

Cardington is also known for its beautiful parks and outdoor recreational opportunities. To the west of the village lies the Morrow County Rail Trail, which offers a scenic pathway for hiking, biking, and nature walks. In addition, the Cardington Park District maintains several parks and green spaces that are perfect for picnicking, playing sports, and enjoying the outdoors.

The community in Cardington is known for its strong sense of togetherness and support for one another. Residents often come together to support local fundraisers, charity events, and community improvement projects. The annual Fireman’s Festival, organized by the local fire department, is a beloved tradition that brings the community together for a weekend of fun and entertainment.

Overall, Cardington is a welcoming and close-knit village that offers a high quality of life for its residents. Its rich history, strong community spirit, and beautiful surroundings make it a wonderful place to live and visit.

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