Cannon Air Force Base Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Cannon Air Force Base Basement Water Removal

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Cannon Air Force Base is located near the town of Clovis in eastern New Mexico. It is home to the 27th Special Operations Wing, which is tasked with conducting special operations, personnel recovery, and support to other special operations forces. The base is named after General John K. Cannon, a World War II hero who was instrumental in developing Air Force tactical doctrine.

Cannon Air Force Base has a long and rich history dating back to its establishment in 1942 as an Army Air Forces base for training bomber crews. During World War II, it played a crucial role in training and preparing bomber crews for combat in the European theater. After the war, the base was deactivated and used for various purposes until it was reactivated in 1952 as Clovis Air Force Base. It was renamed Cannon Air Force base in 1957 to honor General Cannon.

Today, Cannon Air Force Base is a vital part of the Air Force’s special operations capabilities. The 27th Special Operations Wing is equipped with a variety of aircraft, including the AC-130W Stinger II gunship and the MQ-9 Reaper, a remotely piloted aircraft used for intelligence gathering and strike missions. The base also hosts the 33rd Special Operations Squadron, which operates the CV-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft capable of conducting long-range infiltration and exfiltration missions.

In addition to its military operations, Cannon Air Force Base is an important part of the local community. The base is a major employer in the area, providing jobs for military personnel, civilians, and contractors. It also contributes to the local economy through its purchasing and contracting activities. The base also supports various community outreach programs and events, helping to foster positive relationships between the military and the civilian population.

With its strategic location and important mission, Cannon Air Force Base plays a critical role in defending the nation and projecting military power around the world. Its dedicated personnel and cutting-edge capabilities make it a key asset for the Air Force and a source of pride for the state of New Mexico.

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