Breezy Point Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Breezy Point Basement Water Removal

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Breezy Point is a quaint seaside community located in Queens, New York. Known for its stunning beach views, peaceful atmosphere, and strong sense of community, Breezy Point is a beloved destination for both residents and visitors.

The neighborhood is situated on the western end of the Rockaway Peninsula, surrounded by the waters of Jamaica Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. With its prime location, Breezy Point offers residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, including swimming, surfing, fishing, and boating. The area is also home to the Breezy Point Surf Club, which attracts surfers from all over New York City.

One of the defining features of Breezy Point is the lack of commercial development. The neighborhood is primarily made up of private residences, giving it a peaceful and relaxed ambiance. Breezy Point is home to a tight-knit community, where neighbors know each other and come together for various events and activities.

Breezy Point also has a rich history. The neighborhood was originally developed as a summer retreat in the early 20th century, and many of the homes have been passed down through generations. The area is also known for its strong Irish-American heritage, with many residents tracing their roots back to Ireland. The community celebrates this heritage with events like the Breezy Point Irish Festival, which showcases traditional Irish music, dance, and cuisine.

In addition to its natural beauty and strong sense of community, Breezy Point is also known for the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The storm caused widespread damage to the area, with many homes and businesses being destroyed. However, the community came together to rebuild, and today, Breezy Point stands as a testament to resilience and strength.

Overall, Breezy Point is a hidden gem in New York City, offering a serene and picturesque escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. With its beautiful beaches, tight-knit community, and rich history, Breezy Point is a truly special place.

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