Big Pine Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Big Pine Basement Water Removal

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Call: (330) 537-1674

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Big Pine Key is a beautiful island located in the lower Florida Keys, approximately 30 miles from Key West. This small island is known for its stunning natural beauty, laid-back atmosphere, and abundant wildlife. Big Pine Key is a popular destination for tourists seeking a peaceful and relaxing retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

One of the most notable features of Big Pine Key is the presence of the National Key Deer Refuge, which was established in 1957 to protect and preserve the endangered Key deer. This refuge spans over 9,200 acres and provides a safe haven for these unique and beloved creatures. Visitors to Big Pine Key can explore the refuge and have the opportunity to spot the tiny deer in their natural habitat.

In addition to the Key deer, Big Pine Key is also home to a diverse range of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers. The island’s natural environment includes lush mangrove forests, pristine beaches, and crystal-clear waters, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as kayaking, snorkeling, and fishing.

The island has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, with a quaint downtown area featuring charming shops, art galleries, and delicious dining options. Visitors can sample fresh seafood at local restaurants, or enjoy a leisurely stroll around the community. Big Pine Key also hosts a variety of annual events and festivals, including the Annual Big Pine & Lower Keys Nautical Flea Market, which attracts visitors from all over the region.

Big Pine Key is an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and those seeking a peaceful and serene getaway. Whether it’s exploring the natural beauty of the Key deer refuge, relaxing on the beach, or enjoying the local culture, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on this picturesque and enchanting island. With its unspoiled landscapes and abundant wildlife, Big Pine Key is a hidden gem in the Florida Keys that is well worth a visit.

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