Dexter Basement Flood Cleanup


(330) 537-1674

Dexter Basement Water Removal

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Dexter is a small town located in the southeastern part of Missouri, in Stoddard County. With a population of around 7,800 people, it is known for its friendly community, strong sense of pride, and rich history.

The town was founded in 1873 and named after a local Civil War hero, War General William Tecumseh Sherman’s horse, Dexter. It quickly grew as a center for timber and railroad industries, and today it remains an important hub for agriculture, manufacturing, and commerce in the region.

One of the most notable aspects of Dexter is its strong sense of community. The residents here are known for their neighborly spirit, and the town has a close-knit feel that is rare to find in larger cities. This is reflected in the numerous community events and festivals that take place throughout the year, such as the Dexter Bar-B-Que, a popular event that draws visitors from all over the region.

In addition to its community spirit, Dexter also boasts a rich history that is preserved in its numerous historic sites and landmarks. The Dexter Welcome Center, housed in the historic train depot, provides a wealth of information on the town’s past. Visitors can also explore the Dexter Heritage Park, which features a collection of historic buildings and artifacts that offer a glimpse into the town’s early days. The Dexter Historical Museum, located in the former First Christian Church, also showcases the town’s history through exhibits and displays.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Dexter offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy nature. The town is surrounded by beautiful countryside and is close to several state parks, including Crowley’s Ridge State Park and Lake Wappapello State Park, where visitors can hike, fish, camp, and enjoy the great outdoors.

Overall, Dexter is a charming small town that offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a strong sense of community, and a rich history that is proudly preserved. Whether you are a visitor or a resident, there is no doubt that Dexter will make you feel right at home.

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